本片由帕索里尼原著小说改编,讲述了五个社会边缘的年轻人,有一天遇到了一位命运和他们同样悲惨的陌生女子——奥斯提亚。就这样,一段奇特和畸形的关系在他们之间展开。Plot Summary:Two brothers live by petty thievery and try to recover from their upbringing. Bandiera and Rabbino were children when they pushed their drunk of a father out of a window for killing their pet sheep. When a girl is raped by her father, she is brought by young "rescuers" to the home of the two brothers who then watch their friends take advantage of her sexually. The brothers take her in, and the three live happy and celibate if not uneventful lives until the brother's are sent to jail for stealing.